How Not to be Recognized

I was at a gathering and sat next to someone who had recently attended the state annual meeting of a ladies’ organization. He told me it took; now get ready for this, SIX HOURS for Introductions. Now I don’t know about you, but even if the room was filed with former...

You don’t know what you’re talking about!

Leaders sometimes find themselves in situations when meeting debate starts out as polite dialogue and then as emotions and passions take over, it erupts into heated argument and maybe red-faced name calling. If you’re not careful you too can be drawn into the fray....

When to Smile and Politely Wave as you Drive By

What do you do when, despite your best effort, the person or organization you are attempting to collaborate with just isn’t performing? You may have experienced the following behaviors: No communication They say they will do something but don’t They do something but...

Are you destined to be a FAT LEADER?

The results of a recently released study published in a British medical journal say that half of U.S. adults will be obese by 2030 unless the government makes changing the food environment a priority. It further states that changes over the past century in the food...

Can you escape Death by Committee?

        “A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.”     Sir Barnett Cocks       It happens all the time in the legislative process. We’ve all heard the term “the bill died in...
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