The Mindset of a Simple Soul

WB W.L. Wilmshurst, in his article, The Ceremony of Initiation, Analysis, and Commentary, wrote:  “The First-Degree Ceremony used on the reception of a Candidate into the Craft is designed to introduce him to the first stage of a system of knowledge and...

Have You Seen This?

What if you went to church & nothing was said about God?

A young minister began preparing his first sermon. It was Monday, and he was full of confidence that he could craft a message that would impress the congregation. It was his first church, and he was eager to be accepted as their new spiritual leader. Another reason he...

The Principles of Perfect Masonic Practice

I receive a daily email from Built to Lead, an organization that works with high-level executives and corporate teams. This organization believes, among other things, that building teams require the pursuit of personal excellence by each team member. They believe that...

The Curious Mason

I, over the years, have become an information junkie. I accumulate data, books, articles, links to articles and websites, and subscribe to several daily email newsletters. In addition, I have saved almost everything I have written about Masonry, personal and...

All You Need is Brotherly Love!

                      The following six human needs were part of a weekly email I received, and I copied it, not knowing how I might use it. What every human being wants and needs To be part of something larger...

Leading With Masonic Values – Truth

Truth, the last of Masonry's three great tenets, is described as a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. The first lesson we are taught in Masonry is to be good men and true. The ritual goes on to say, Hence, while influenced by this principle,...

Leading With Masonic Values – Relief

The second great tenet of Masonry is relief. Typically, what immediately comes to mind is the practice of charity by giving monetary gifts. Certainly, Masonry and the allied organizations have a great history of raising funds to support worthwhile charitable...

Leading with Masonic Values – Brotherly Love

 I was thinking one day that during my years of service in Masonic organizations, I observed firsthand and heard about some behavior by leaders that made me feel at the time that they had forgotten some things they were taught in the Masonic degrees. I have always...

Ask – To Create a Great Lodge Experience

Lodge leaders can brainstorm ideas to make the lodge experience more interesting, but if you don’t ask as many brothers as possible what they might like, you may not accomplish what you set out to do. As part of our Lodge planning process, we passed out note cards at...
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