Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you become!

Display Your Masonic Values to the World on Thursday, October 17th.

One of my purposes for continuing to write 365aMason is to make all Masons aware that unless we display, by our actions, our values to others, then we have failed to promote the fraternity in a way that preserves its reputation, honor, and welfare. This Thursday,...

The Power of a Man on the Moon Mindset

I recently watched the movie First Man, about Neil Armstrong and the United States' achievement of landing men on the moon and safely returning them to Earth. This movie reminded me of the tremendous effort undertaken to meet the challenge President John F. Kennedy...

A Greek System of Education for Masons?

Paideia (pi-daya) is the classical Greek system of education and training, which came to include gymnastics, grammar, rhetoric, poetry, music, mathematics, geography, natural history, astronomy and the physical sciences, history of society and ethics, and philosophy....

Are Your Words Consistent with the Art of Rhetoric?

This past week, I read an opinion expressed about a speaker's content at a university’s commencement speech. The writer used the word rhetor. The word rhetor shares the same roots as rhetoric. Rhetoric, as we know, is the art of using language to affect audiences,...

Brother Teddy Roosevelt and “The Mark of a Mason”

I am reading a biography of J. Edgar Hoover, who served as Director of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972. The book mentions a supposed crisis among young men in the early 1900s. There was a concern that they were not developing to be manly enough. Congress...

Why is Silence Golden? Practicing The Art of Masonic Silence

If you use or read on social media at all, it is hard to ignore some people's accusatory and, sometimes, blatantly unintelligent statements. When I started using social media to disseminate Masonic and leadership information, I chose not to engage in online shouting...

The Mindset of a Simple Soul

WB W.L. Wilmshurst, in his article, The Ceremony of Initiation, Analysis, and Commentary, wrote:  “The First-Degree Ceremony used on the reception of a Candidate into the Craft is designed to introduce him to the first stage of a system of knowledge and...

Have You Seen This?

What if you went to church & nothing was said about God?

A young minister began preparing his first sermon. It was Monday, and he was full of confidence that he could craft a message that would impress the congregation. It was his first church, and he was eager to be accepted as their new spiritual leader. Another reason he...

The Principles of Perfect Masonic Practice

I receive a daily email from Built to Lead, an organization that works with high-level executives and corporate teams. This organization believes, among other things, that building teams require the pursuit of personal excellence by each team member. They believe that...
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