There has been building for some time in a great number of organizations a momentous catastrophe that if not acknowledged and acted upon will have devastating results.
This event, a Leadership Cliff, will occur in these organizations because effective leaders are not being created throughout their entire organization. Ultimately, over time, this will cause a decline in purposeful intent and productive action that eventually will lead to organizational apathy.
Will your organization die because you have failed to:
- Properly select individuals with the proper qualifications to lead
- Properly created a process of continuous leadership education
- Recognize the importance of creating leaders not followers
- Maintain an atmosphere where creative and innovative leaders can thrive
- Realize the importance of a shared, inspiring vision
- Create effective teams
- Understand a sense of urgency exists
- Remember what the organization believes is important
- Practice what the organization believes
- Believe
All of these failures can be fixed. Good leaders understand how. Go find some people and make them leaders.