Together We Can Rebuild the Temple of New England Lodge

Piercing the Symbolic Veil: Freemasonry's System of Morality

Brother Josh Beasley first helps us understand what is a system of morality, what is its purpose, and explains the three basic morality systems.

He then leads us in an engaging dialogue as we attempt to determine which of the basic morality system does Masonry use and how the symbols in our ritual gives us a roadmap to determine good behavior.

During the presentation he asks several questions of the Brothers in attendance. Prior to starting the video, access the Presentation Notes Worksheet to record your thoughts and assist you in your understanding. Enjoy the education!

Presentation Notes Worksheet

This contains the key points of the presentation & has space for you to record your thoughts.

The Golden Rule was mentioned as a basic belief in a number of religions. Click on the image for an enlarged view.


Links to read more about the philosophers mentioned

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