Together We Can Rebuild the Temple of New England Lodge

What Constitutes a Proper Masonic Education?

Brother Dan Hrinko outlines the key elements that are necessary to properly educate men and make them Masons. He also presents the rigorous Masonic education process employed by Arts and Sciences Lodge #792 that has kept their Brothers highly engaged and their lodge successful.  

"Piercing the Symbolic Veil: Freemasonry's System of Morality"

At our January 2020 Stated Masonic Education and Dialogue will be  Brother Josh Beasley. He is a Past Master of Madison Lodge #221, a Master Craftsman of The Royal Scofield Society, and a frequent Masonic lecturer and educator.  

Feb. 10, 2020 "Freemasonry Reflected in Stoicism"

Brother Daniel Burry, our own New England Lodge Master Mason, will lead us through the history of Stoicism and then faciliate a dialogue of how this ancient Greek philosophy relates to Masonry.

March 9, 2020 "What is Proper Lodge Decorum"

Have we become too casual in lodge? 14th District Education Officer Mike Saum will lead us in discussing what we expect to be proper etiquette, behavior, and dress in lodge. 

April 13, 2020 - Special Online Stated Education

The lodge will hold a special online Stated Education & Dialogue as permitted by the edict of MWB Keith Newton, Grand Master. For access see the email sent to you or login to your portal on Grand View.

May 11, 2020 - "Duly & Truly - Are We Preparing Him for Initiation?"

Worshipful Brother Chad Simpson will help the Brethren of New England Lodge No. 4 learn how to best ensure that each candidate is ready to experience and understand his initiation.

June 8, 2020 - Becoming a Master Craftsman

LEO MIke Clevenger will conduct a Master Craftsman training class. This class will qualify you to become a mentor for New England’s apprentices. LEO Clevenger said this about being a Master Craftsman: “It has been the most meaningful and enjoyable experience in my Masonic career.”

Sept. 14, 2020 - Annual Lodge Planning Forum

Our Senior Warden will present a proposed lodge program and budget for the upcoming Masonic Year. This is an opportunity for the Brethren to provide input and guidance as we plan and strive to provide an excellent lodge experience.

What to Expect When You Come to New England Lodge

Over the last several years, your officers, Past Masters, and other concerned Brothers had a number of conversations about not only New England Lodge but the Masonic Fraternity in general. Our conversations led us to conclude that a definite change was needed if New England was to continue to exist.

As we talked with other New England Brothers we found there were predominately two things missing; 1) a time during the evening for fellowship and getting to know each other, and 2) during our tyled meetings the lack of meaningful dialogue about Masonry that made us think about the ritual, its meaning, and how best to use it to improve ourselves.

We have designed our monthly lodge gatherings to accomodate both of these needs  Here is a little more information about both.

Fraternal Fellowship You will have a whole hour to sit with your Brothers, engage in conversation to share and learn. Only by getting to know one another can we better carry on the work of the lodge and the fraternity.


Masonic Education We will be using proven Masonic Educators who will engage us in dialogues about Masonry. We are handpicking Brothers who we know to be interesting and engaging speakers. Be prepared to be enlightened and sometimes challenged during their presentations.

There has been a lot of planning to make this happen and we are excited about our lodge and its future.

Please consider joining the rest of your Brothers, we don’t think you will be disappointed.

Is there a topic that would help improve your understanding of Masonry?

Send an email to the LEO and let him know
Masonic Topic Suggestion

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