Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you become!

Ask – To Create a Great Lodge Experience

Lodge leaders can brainstorm ideas to make the lodge experience more interesting, but if you don’t ask as many brothers as possible what they might like, you may not accomplish what you set out to do.

As part of our Lodge planning process, we passed out note cards at one of our stated meetings and asked those in attendance the following question: “What can we do to make Lodge meetings more meaningful to you?”

We asked that they put some thought into the card and hand it in at the end of the meeting.

We discovered that the main areas of emphasis we identified and planned to improve on in our officer planning group closely aligned with the comments we received from our brothers. We had categorized our areas of emphasis into Leadership Development, Activities and fellowship, Education, Communication, and Community Outreach.

We were pleased to see that we were on the right track and began to set goals for each category and create action plans to achieve the goals. Some of the ideas expressed were easily satisfied and we acted upon them immediately. For example:

    • We asked our Lodge Education Officer to vary the type of programs presented and use various brothers as presenters. That allowed us to hear one brother, a military helicopter test pilot, talk about his job and allow us to try on his night vision helmet (way Cool!). Another program was presented by a new Master Mason who did a “walk around the Lodge” explaining the meaning of the various symbols.
    • The Master streamlined the meeting agenda and charged the Stewards with improving the after-meal meal, so we had more time to get to know each other and better food.
    • We had a series of guest speakers from other community organizations describing what they do and how our Lodge could be involved.
    • The communication comments were taken to heart and now there is an active committee assessing how we can improve our various forms of communication with the brethren as well as the community.

It is amazing what you can find out if you just ask. Not only do you find out what interests your brothers but you also may discover those who have a passion for a particular subject that will fill a need the Lodge may have. For example, through this process, we found a brother who loves taking photographs and designing publications. Guess what? He is busy designing a new Lodge publication.

Leaders understand the need to ask their followers what is important to them.  Then, they listen and use what they hear to initiate positive action. So when you do Lodge planning, don’t forget to ask your brothers what is important to them, or you may find yourself going in the wrong direction.

 Have a Great Masonic Day!


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