Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you become!

A 6-Step Million Dollar Leadership Course

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These things aren’t really hard, cost anything or require specialized training or education. Click on the image on the left, download and start becoming a better leader.

1. Listen more intently to others 

Leaders can learn so much by listening to members of their team and also by listening to their followers.  Begin Listening

2. Treat others like you would want them to treat you

The Golden Rule. So simple yet it is so easy to forget sometimes. If you erred in some way wouldn’t you want someone to give you the benefit of the doubt? So before you make assumptions about a person’s behavior or jump on them for not doing something you asked, find out what caused the problem. Leaders should solve problems not create them. Treating those you lead in a manner you would want to be treated builds respect for you as a leader. Practice the Golden Rule.

3. Follow through on your promises 

If you make a promise to someone, be true to your word and follow through. As a leader this establishes trust and credibility. It also shows the person you truly care about them. Keep your promises.

4. Do something to improve your mind 

Maybe it’s reading about a subject that is completely foreign to you. Maybe it’s trying to acquire a new skill. Whatever it is, do something to increase your knowledge. Leaders should be always learning. Learn something new.

5. Pass on knowledge 

Part of a leader’s responsibilities is to be an effective mentor. Start creating a legacy for your organization by mentoring those on your leadership team. Help them excel in their current leadership roles as well as prepare for the time when they will be the leader. Be a Mentor.

6. Be an optimist 

It may be hard at times to keep a positive outlook. Start your day with something positive. Read an inspirational message, your holy scripture or listen to a motivational speech. Do something that will help begin your day with a positive outlook. Thinking positive will make the hard things easier. Start every day on a positive note.

Have a Great Masonic Day!


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