Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you become!

The Scythe of Time

scythe of timeAs we celebrate the start of a new year, we should be reminded of the lesson of the scythe of time.

We cannot slow its progress nor can we prevent the change it creates in our minds and bodies. Time will ultimately consume the power of wealth, the dreams of ambition, the pride of intellect and the charms of beauty.

I often think about the reminders of our own mortality I have heard during Masonic funeral services, and believe it appropriate to think about those words now.

One Masonic service has these words:

“Our present gathering will be without profit unless it awakens serious reflections and strengthens us with resolutions for the future.”

It then goes on to say:

“Forget not that preparation which it is wisdom to make and weakness to defer.”

The service then asks us to:

 “Embrace the present moment while time and opportunity are ours.”

As we begin a new year as Masons, let us be reminded that time is something we cannot reclaim. Those thoughts, words and actions that “distinguish us from the rest of the community,” are something we must be mindful of each day.

Let us all resolve to be the man Masonry has asked to be.

Have a Great Masonic Day!


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