Mike Clevenger

Mike Clevenger is the originator and facilitator for Masons Lead Better, a personal and leadership development program initiated by the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 2014.

Over the past 20 years Mike has been delivering the message to the Masonic Fraternity of the value of personal leadership development and the power of creating an organizational culture of effective leaders.

Mike says this about the value of Masonry:

“Masonry is a powerful personal development plan. By the continued study of the lessons in the degrees you will find a wealth of wisdom from which you can build a life of meaning and significance.”

These presentations are not lectures but “mini workshops.”

Each designed so there is active participation and your lodge brethren will always leave with something to think about and act upon. 

  • The Leadership of Rebuilding – Nehemiah & the Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem  – The story of how a simple civil servant to the King of Persia led the Jewish people to rebuild the temple walls and the leadership lessons that can be learned as we rebuild our lodges.
  • Building Your Masonic “Why” – By using your personal values, Masonic obligations & ritual,  and drawing from positive life experiences you can build a powerful statement that defines you as a better man and a Mason.
  • How to Develop a Masonic Leader’s Mindset – As you assume a leadership role in your lodge a proper mindset is essential. How to use the tools and lessons of Masonry to build a “masonic lens” to ensure a correct leadership attitude.
  • Building a Lodge Education Program That Creates Positive Change – How to construct your education program to better educate your candidates, ensure proper planning, provide leadership competency, and build a lodge culture of learning, leadership and positive change.
  • Knowing How to See – Using the visualization techniques of Leonardo da Vinci we can develop a deeper understanding of Masonry. Learn the seven principles he used.
  • Leading With Masonic Values – The lessons Masonry teaches us about the leadership attributes of attitude, knowledge, relationships, mentoring, and developing a leadership legacy. 
  • Aspire – Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words -Lessons from the book by Kevin Hall –  Learn eleven words that could have a significant and meaningful impact on your life.


Some Presentations Available for Your Lodge

These presentations are not lectures but “mini-workshops.”

Each is designed to encourage active participation, and your lodge brethren will always leave with something to think about and act upon. 

  • The Leadership of Rebuilding – Nehemiah & the Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem  – The story of how a simple civil servant to the King of Persia led the Jewish people to rebuild the temple walls and the leadership lessons that can be learned as we rebuild our lodges.
  • Building Your Masonic “Why”—By using your personal values, Masonic obligations and rituals, and positive life experiences, you can create a powerful statement that defines you as a better man and a Mason.
  • How to Develop a Masonic Leader’s Mindset – As you assume a leadership role in your lodge a proper mindset is essential. How to use the tools and lessons of Masonry to build a “masonic lens” to ensure a correct leadership attitude.
  • Building a Lodge Education Program That Creates Positive Change – How to construct your education program to better educate your candidates, ensure proper planning, provide leadership competency, and build a lodge culture of learning, leadership and positive change.
  • Knowing How to See – Using the visualization techniques of Leonardo da Vinci we can develop a deeper understanding of Masonry. Learn the seven principles he used.
  • Leading With Masonic Values – The lessons Masonry teaches us about the leadership attributes of attitude, knowledge, relationships, mentoring, and developing a leadership legacy. 
  • Aspire – Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words -Lessons from the book by Kevin Hall –  Learn eleven words that could have a significant and meaningful impact on your life.
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