Masonry is not something you just join, it is something you become!

A Look At 500 years of Masonic Words

This morning I was reading a blog post from Seth Godin, marketing guru, thought producer, writer, and a great innovator.

Seth displayed a graph from Google’s Ngram Viewer. The Ngram Viewer lets you find and visualize how words and phrases have developed and been used over time using the 30 million print books Google has scanned working with libraries located around the world as its dataset.

So to test it out I typed in the words freemason, freemasonry, masonic, and masonic lodge.

Here is the chart produced by the frequency these words were used from 1500 through 2019. You can mouse over the timeline and get the percentages for particular years.

I tried the words again using the span of the years 1800 through 2019 and got this chart.

Maybe some of our Masonic historians can explain the huge spike around 1573 and again in around 1830. Interesting.


Have a Great Masonic Day!


  1. David W Lawrence

    That’s a valuable heads up about the viewer, and I do like to hear that another Mason is familiar with Seth Godin.

    • Mike Clevenger

      I have been reading Seth Godin’s books and blog for a number of years. His insights have been valuable in shaping my leadership education. Thanks for your comment.


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