The Value of Thoughtful Masonic Reflection

In her 2013 annual Christmas message, Queen Elizabeth II said this on the value of stepping back and reflecting: “We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. Be it through...

The Wisdom of MWB Dwight L Smith

In February 1963, Past Grand Master of Indiana Dwight L. Smith published an essay entitled Whither Are We Traveling? He begins by declaring there is no shortage of Masonic leaders complaining of lodge membership falling off or poor attendance at lodge meetings. He...

The Masonic Leader’s Mindset

Exploring mindset is one of the crucial areas in leadership training. Your attitude towards leadership will determine how effective you are as a leader. It is essential to ask yourself if you are leading for the right reasons, what goals you hope to achieve, and if...
A Mason Develops Daily

A Mason Develops Daily

Dr. John Maxwell in his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, describes in the Law of Process, that becoming a leader cannot be accomplished by attending an event, a seminar or workshop. A leader develops himself by the deliberate practice of leadership...
Lodge (is) Education

Lodge (is) Education

I know I’ve written about this before, expressed my opinion in workshops many times, and one day I was so frustrated I wrote (and never published) a “Lodge Education Manifesto.” I have read various old Masonic publications going back to before the turn of the century...
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